Playroom Vacancy. - Early Years Lead – permanent contract.

Early Years Lead – permanent contract £20,344 per annum pro rata; £10.54 per hour (Plus auto enrol pension) 20 hours per week. The playroom is open Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 1pm. Actual working hours to be arranged

Closing date: 5pm Wednesday 8th April Required qualification level: Minimum Level 3 (EYP/YET desirable but not essential)

If you would like more information please email

Please download the following documents relevant to the role:

BUCFP Early Years Lead job ref 2980 (confirmed).doc

BUCFP Person Specification Early Years Lead-1.doc

Early years lead job description relevant.doc

Please complete and return the following application form to 

Or by mail attn: The Playroom, Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project, 6 Tilbury Place Brighton BN2 0GY marked playroom post

Early Years Lead Application Form original 2018.doc

Support available during Xmas 2019.

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Download PDF’s of the above docs HERE and HERE.

This page is a work in progress, and will be updated.

As well as the above, we know of the following:

  • Streets Cafe at the Open Market provide soup and hot drinks to rough sleepers and will be putting a 3 course Christmas meal on the 27th December from 1:30pm

  • The Real Junk Food project are doing Xmas dinner, Xmas day, One Church Brighton, 1pm

  • St Mary’s Church, Kemptown, is doing a Christmas Day lunch.

  • MCC Brighton will be at the Clock Tower on Christmas Eve, 4-6pm, with food & gifts.

If you have anything to add to this page please send a message:

Thanks to the Sussex Homeless Support CIO Facebook page for the information on this page.


As the waiting lists for food banks are getting longer, our small supply of emergency food is dwindling rapidly.

If you have any of the following you could help us with for our clients, we would be very grateful.

Tinned or packet food, in particular kettle meals like pot noodles, toiletries (toothpaste, deodorant, razors), long life milk and Christmas treats.

Thank you.

BUCFP Xmas opening times 2019.


Wednesday 18th Closed for normal use - Christmas lunch and party for centre users and volunteers. Free! from 1.00pm
Closed Monday 23rd as usual on a Monday
Closed Tuesday 24th all day
Closed Wednesday 25th all day
Closed Thursday 26th all day
Open Friday 27th 10am to 2pm free light lunch
Week beginning 30th December normal opening hours apart from
Closed only Wednesday 1st January all day

BUCFP Family & Children's Christmas Party. Sat 14th December.

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Family & Children’s Christmas Party

Saturday 14th December 2019

1.00pm – 4.00pm

At Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project 

6 Tilbury Place.

Once again it is the time of the year for our annual children & family party -  Entertainment, food and of course Mother & Father Christmas!

If you would like to attend Please come and put your Name down in the Centre Or call 01273 601211 For more details

Participants needed for Archives Alive Creative Sessions at BUCFP Wed 6th & 13th November


Archives Alive is a Heritage Lottery-funded project which aims to make QueenSpark’s history books and archive material more accessible to local people.

Having recently completed the first stage of the project we have four fabulous new books edited by our brilliant volunteers. See them in our online bookshop.

Are you interested in local historical archives and creative writing? If so we are looking for participants to take part in two creative sessions at BUCFP in partnership with QueenSpark Books on Wednesday 6th and 13th November 1:30-3:30pm. Please sign up at BUCFP reception or call 01273 671 213 to reserve a place.


Since 1972 QueenSpark Books has been dedicated to gathering, preserving and making accessible Brighton & Hove’s histories. We do this through publishing oral histories or creative responses to local history, via books, e-books, exhibitions, events, websites and other projects.


Collected Works CIC is an award winning, Brighton based social enterprise that delivers bold and innovative shared community reading projects. The organisation specialises in bringing people together to help them connect over books and stories.

End Hunger UK Week of Action 11-18 October 2019

A recent report by the Trussell Trust (one of the largest nationwide Foodbank Providers), showed that in the last five years foodbank use in the UK has increased by 73% and in 2018-2019 they distributed 1.6 million emergency food parcels throughout the UK. Food poverty is affecting more and more families, and here at BUCFP we do not want to see anyone go hungry.

Because of this we are proud to be part of the End Hunger UK week of action which takes place 14th -18th October. As part of our commitment to tackling food poverty we will be offering a free, shared lunch here at the Centre on Friday 18th October. If you think you could benefit from this then do come along, eat some great food and meet your local community.

If you would like more information, or want to get involved, please contact Carol, the Food Project Coordinator. We look forward to seeing you!