The Welfare Rights service gives advice to the users of our Centre and to the local community in East Brighton. We give this by phone or email in the first instance and a face-to-face appointment will be arranged if necessary. We no longer offer a drop-in service:
Please call 01273 676 171, leave a message and we’ll get back to you.


and we'll do our best to answer any questions you may have over email. 

Sessions are run by volunteers, and it’s therefore not a statutory service, and we hope you understand that if the service is not running there would be a valid reason for this.

Please note, we're unable to provide one-to-one support to complete Universal Credit applications, your local Job Centre should assist with this. Citizens Advice Bureau also have a helpline for help with claiming UC, including arranging a translator - freephone 0800 144 8 444.

If you’re visiting this site, from outside of Brighton and Hove, we recommend searching for services close to you:

Please email;

And we'll do our best to answer any questions you may have over email. 

The Welfare Rights volunteer team provides an advice service on all aspects of social security & welfare, including

  • Advice on how to apply for benefits

  • Contacting DWP & the local authority

  • Lodging mandatory reconsiderations & appeals Support

UC50, ESA50, and PIP2 forms,

There is a dedicated service for these forms, please book in advance as this takes an entire session. Please email or call 01273 676 171, leave a message and we’ll get back to you.

Confidential Advice Line 01273 676 171 (answerphone – please leave a message) or email 

Please call centre reception for more info on 01273 601 211.

Please bring all relevant paperwork to your appointment.