For free, quality childcare and education visit the Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project Playroom

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10 am – 1 pm

Registed Charity no.: 1069236 - Company no.: 03537262 - OFSTED no.: 130728

Welcome to the BUCFP Playroom! We are a free  OFSTED registered crèche facility. The playroom is run by qualified, paid professionals and staffed by DBS checked volunteers. While your child is in the playroom you could use our centre services or relax with a cup of tea – see our website for details of our current low cost or free classes and activities including computer support and yoga classes.

Our opening times are currently Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10 am  - 1 pm. We can care for up to 12 children aged from 12 months to 7 years. All children MUST be registered in advance.

Please call into the playroom and ask the Co-ordinator if there is a space for your child. Sometimes we need to limit numbers of children according to the number of volunteers and the needs of individual children. 

 Spaces cannot be booked in advance UNLESS -

  1. You are volunteering in the centre 

  2. You have a booked place on a course which offers a booked crèche place

  3. You are a vulnerable family and if you are in a crisis situation 

Please see the playroom Co-ordinator to book your child in and arrange to settle them a week before you begin volunteering /your course starts.

You must stay in the building whilst your child is in the playroom. You will fill out a registration card and ‘welcome’ sheet when you first come to the playroom. We will discuss with you the needs and interests of your child and work out a plan together to settle them. You should always say goodbye to your child before leaving. If your child is very unhappy or unsettled, a worker will ask you to return to the playroom.

Children’s activities are planned following EYFS guidance and include – painting, glueing, water and sand play, gardening, using bikes and scooters, drawing, role play and imaginative play, storytelling, throwing, catching and singing. We have fun! Some of our activities are messy and we spend time playing in the park so do bring your child in clothes that allow them to move freely and that you don’t mind getting wet or dirty. Please bring a change of clothes if you can and an extra nappy if needed. We do have some spares in case of emergency.

During hot weather please apply sun cream, cover your child’s shoulders and bring a sun hat– we do have some sun cream and spare hats. In the winter your child should have a warm coat, gloves and a hat. The centre usually has a small stock of second hand coats, please ask us if you need one for your child.

Please hang your children’s things on a peg outside the crèche gate. Parents and workers must not use mobile phones or cameras in the playroom. Children can bring a toy into the playroom if it helps them to settle, toys and equipment can’t be taken out of the playroom.

A snack of rice cakes, oatcakes and fruit, along with water, is available to children at all times so you don’t need to bring any food for your child. The crèche is vegan. Please don’t bring nuts into the playroom and do let us know if your child has any allergies. 

Please return promptly to collect your child at 1 – everyone is tired by then!

If your child is unwell do not bring them to the playroom. Children who have had sickness or diarrhoea in the past 48 hours must not be brought into the playroom.

Please contact us on  671213 / 601211 or email us at for more information.


Volunteers are key to the development and the running of the playroom. Volunteers take part in the day-to–day running of the playroom and work with children. Volunteers are supported with supervision and training opportunities, travelling expenses, free lunch and entitlement to a reference.

Please get in touch if you are interested in volunteering in the playroom, either by filling in our online volunteer form here, / coming in to BUCFP and filling in a form / contacting the volunteer coordinator -

For further information please contact:

Please contact us on  671213 / 601211 or email us at for more information.