The top 10 cuts to UK welfare benefits that need reversing now!

In the past year, we've helped 1500 benefit claimants deal with countless problems involving the DWP and local councils. From this first hand experience, and over 20 years spent working in welfare rights at BUCFP. Here are our top 10 cuts to UK benefits that need reversing now!

Benefits freeze to end. For all working age benefits, including Housing Benefit. And at least a return to inflation based increases every year.

UC work allowances and taper rate. A return to work allowances as they were originally intended, and not just for those with children and those whose disabilities limit their ability to work. A taper rate of 50% as was originally intended

2 child limit. Removal of the 2 child limit, in UC and child tax credits. We feel the following statement is completely out of touch with a compassionate welfare state: "The Department for Work and Pensions and HMRC will develop protections for women who have a third child as the result of rape, or other exceptional circumstances." - 2015 summer budget.

Reinstating an additional benefit amount for people with limited capability for work (those assessed as being able to prepare for a return to work). This cut needs reversing urgently, to restore fairness and decency for sick and disabled people.

Abolish the benefit cap. The new lower benefit cap has resulted in families splitting up, and use of temporary accommodation rising while those unable to be exempt, are made homeless from private rental properties. For families with children in the South East of England, the benefit cap means there is no safety net.

Pay childcare costs upfront, rather than expecting people to pay out of their UC and claim it back at the end of the month

Abolish sanctions. The Universal Credit sanctions regime has been described by the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights as "draconian", "harsh and arbitrary". (reference:

Abolish the Minimum Income Floor for self-employed people and treat their earnings the same as those of employed workers

Limit the amount of deduction for overpayments and debts to an affordable amount (deductions of 40% of personal allowance are leaving people in hardship)

Restore full funding for Council Tax reduction, so that local councils can return to giving reductions of up to 100% for those on the lowest incomes.

Job vacancy at BUCFP, Early Years Practitioner – permanent contract.

Early Years Practitioner – permanent contract
£9.18 per hour.
12 hours per week. 3 days per week. 9.30am to 1.30pm (days to be arranged)
Occasional additional paid hours for supervisions, meetings and required training.


To provide direct support to the children attending the early years Playroom to ensure that they receive a service that is welcoming, fun and friendly, of high quality and that
focusses on their individual learning and care needs.

To support the playroom co-ordinator in implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage and Ofsted requirements on a sessional basis.

Closing date: 3 July 2019 Interview date: 10 July 2019

Completed application forms to be emailed to Lesley Lewis at . Due to pre-planned annual leave, any email queries will be looked at after Tuesday 18th June. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please download the following documents:

BUCFP - Job desc and person spec Early Years Practitoner.doc

BUCFP Early years practitioner job ref 3154 FINAL (1).doc

Early Years Practitioner Application Form original 2019.doc

Come along to our allotment photography exhibition - Grown in Brighton.


Grown in Brighton is a photographic project done throughout 2018, from the snow and hard ground of winter, through a burning bright summer to the bonfire colours of autumn.

The allotment sits on the steep Whitehawk Hill Road. It’s a community garden run by the Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project, a local charity that supports those living on low incomes. People can go to the allotment and work together to grow and share good food.

In a time of austerity, places like this are a life-line and show that given opportunity, work and care, wonderful things can grow in the least likely places.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday 10th May at 12 noon.
The exhibition will run from 10th May - 24th May, Tues- Fri 1pm-2pm.

As part of National Walking Month and the Health Walks Programme, there will also be a health walk taking place on Friday 10th May at 10.30am meeting at the corner of Whitehawk Hill Road and Donald Hall Road. There then be a guided tour of our organic community allotment at Walpole Road. Find out about growing seasonal fruit and veg with panoramic views of Brighton. The walk will then culminate at the opening of our allotment photography exhibition at BUCFP, 6 Tilbury Place, BN2 0GY. For more information about the Health Walks or to download a programme click here:

Summer Health Walk Programme - see page 19

Refreshments and lunch available at BUCFP. Lunch served at 1pm £1.50 large, 60p for a small.

PRINTS FOR SALE. ALL PROCEEDS TO BUCFP. You can order an 8x8 copy of any photograph in the exhibition for only £2


About the photographer:

Ann Cattrall has an MA in Inclusive Community Arts, specialising in doing creative projects with people whose stories are rarely seen and celebrated.

Website: Email:

For more information please contact or call 01273 671 213



Do you have any tried and tested favourite recipes? Share them with us, and help us create the BUCFP COOKBOOK.


  • Soups, Salads, Snacks

  • Kid’s favourites

  • Family meals, One-Pot Wonders

  • Quick and Easy Mid-Week Suppers

  • Puddings and Cakes

E’mail your recipes to by 1st July 2019

Please include:

  • List of ingredients with measurements

  • Cooking times and temperatures

  • How many servings

All we ask is that any recipe you submit is meat and dairy free, budget friendly, and DELICIOUS! (if you have a fantastic recipe that includes diary ingredients, share it anyway; our kitchen crew will probably be able to adapt it.)